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Australian Code of Practice 

NATA Approved Lab 

 (08) 9479 1111 
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Meth Testing Service 

We offer a range of Methamphetamine Testing Services in Perth. You have a right to know if you or your loved ones are exposed to the dangers of meth contamination!

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NATA Approved lab 

Compliantand aligned with the Australian Code of Practice 2019 

Stewarts have been servicing WA families since 1954. We have over 65 years of experience in the service industry. You can trust our refined team of testing specialists. 

Stewarts meth testing specialist has been through two different meth testing training courses, each greatly in-depth and at the top of their industry. Our testers keep their knowledge up to date as we offer them new training courses each time the industry develops. You can trust our team who have a wealth of experience dealing with all properties from mortgagee-in-possession properties to commercial businesses. 

We offer both Rapid, and NIOSH 9111 Testing for meth residue. You can find more information on each test below. 

Rapid Testing (0.2μg, 0.5μg, 10μg) 

A Rapid Test is similar to a pregnancy test. It will give us a instant positive or negative result, but will not give us an exact reading on the level of contamination.
The test is taken by one of our trained technicians who swabs a rough area of 100cm2. As we swab the area, we place the swab back into a buffer liquid that will pick up any residue.
Once we have swabbed a suitable amount of surface area, we then drip the buffer liquid into a cassette that will give us a positive or negative reading to methamphetamine residue of or over 0.2μg, 0.5μg or 10μg depending on the test.

NIOSH 9111 Testing (Lab Testing) 

The NIOSH 9111 test will give us an exact reading of the level of contamination within each area of the building. We complete this test if a known lab has been in used in a property or if we have received a positive result with a Rapid Test. 
We complete the NIOSH 9111 process by taking a swab of a 100cm2 area. Each test receives its own swab and lab vial. These swabs are then sent off to the lab where they are analysed individually.
We will then receive a report back from the lab with the exact level of contamination for each sample location as well as precursors.

We DO NOT offer Field/Laboratory/Base Composite Testing

We DO NOT offer Composite Testing.
When a Field Composite Test is carried out, the technician takes multiple samples throughout the building. The swab samples are then sent off to the lab, where you will receive one result from numerous samples. While in a NIOSH 9111 test, you will receive individual results from each sample swab. 
We do not agree with this method of Field Composite Testing because it is inaccurate and causes the customer to spend more money than necessary. 
If a positive result is shown on a Field Composite Test, you are unable to trace if the contamination is from all rooms tested or if it’s from a one, two or three rooms. 
The other problem with this method is that contamination levels can show up extremely inaccurate. When multiple swabs are combined to create a single contamination leave, the results will come back extremely high. Here at Stewarts, we don't believe that this is an accurate, ethical or cost-effective way of testing. 

Why We Don't Offer Decontamination

Please note that Stewarts Drug Testing does not carry out decontamination services. We do this to remain impartial so that once the building has been decontaminated, we are then able to finish the testing process and retest to make sure the decontamination process successfully decreased the level to under the Australian Guidelines.

Stewarts Testing Process

01 Inspection

The premises is thoroughly inspected by our fully trained technician. They will identify any signs of meth contamination through smoking and/or manufacture. (inside and outside)
Inspection reports include results, images and detailed descriptions.

02 Rapid Testing

Testing for residential properties starts at 0.5ug (or 0.2ug on request), testing for commercial properties starts at 10ug. This test will give an instant positive or negative result. 
• If negative, no further testing is needed.*
• If positive, a NIOSH 9111 test will need to be done to determine the level of contamination.

*We suggest testing of every living area and room within a property to receive full clearance. If 4 high risk areas within a property are showing negative, we can then apply a method of combination testing to reduce costs. 
What is a rapid test?

03 NIOSH 9111 Testing

NIOSH 9111 testing is completed in areas that have not been testing or areas that tested positive at the 0.5ug or 10ug Rapid test stage. After each sample is taken, all samples are sent off to the lab that same day. Once all results come back, we will detail them in the Inspection Report. 
This type of testing will give us the exact level of contamination for each individual sample. If found, precurses will also be noted within the results. 
• If results show levels under the Guidelines, no further testing is needed. No deconstruction is needed. 
• If over 0.5ug, we will advise the level of decontamination needed to rectify the contamination.
What is a NIOSH 9111 test?


The property now needs to be decontaminated by a company who provides Methamphetamine Residue Decontamination. We can refer you to trusted decontamination company. 

04 NIOSH 9111 Re-Test

Once the decontamination process is complete, we will then do another set of tests to ensure the property is free of contamination.

All findings are details in a written report including images.

 The Situation 

WA's Meth Addiction 

Both manufacturing and smoking meth leaves a toxic chemical residue that embeds itself into walls, floors, ceilings and furnishings. When meth is manufactured, contaminants can include mercury, lead, iodine, and lithium. Your body and young children’s bodies can take in this toxic residue in day to day life through touching and breathing. More labs than ever are being undetected and more people than ever are smoking. This is causing more homes to become contaminated. Exposure to meth residue can damage the nervous system and cause symptoms including headaches, irritated skin, and insomnia. 
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 The Answer 

Meth Testing 

While not every property in Australia is contaminated with meth residue, it is essential to protect your health and your wealth.

Meth testing and inspections will identify meth manufacturing and smoking that has occurred within the building. 
For landlords and property managers, carrying out testing between tenancies to prevent contamination from building up or avoid temptation is being proven to work.
If you're purchasing a home, have a Pre-purchase Meth Test and Inspection written into your conditions of sale. 
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 The Experts 

Stewarts Drug Testing 

We are a family owned and operated company who are based locally in Western Australia. Knowing the grim, high level of meth use in our home state, we set out to combat a small proportion of the meth problem to help our local community. We have a team that are specialist in testing and inspecting for methamphetamine residue in rental, residential and commercial properties. Having an in-depth and personal understanding of the financial and health impacts that meth contamination can cause, you can trust that we have the level of knowledge and understanding you require. 
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What are methamphetamines?

crystal meth
Meth or methamphetamines are illegal drugs that are used to stimulate the central nervous system.

The effects of this drug are strong, quick acting and addictive. If inhaled over a long period of time, this can cause serious health issues.
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How meth contaminates

meth lab
The two main ways meth can contaminate a property is through smoking or manufacturing the drug on the premises.

Out of the two, meth labs that manufacture meth pose a far greater threat to the property's safety.

How contamination can affect you

effects of meth
The effects of meth contamination can be varied and long lasting depending on the exposure. Symptoms can include:
  • Headaches
  • Burning, watery or stinging eyes
  • Nausea
  • Coughing 
  • Shortness of breath or dizziness
  • Feeling cold or weak

Motor Vehicles

car keys
Many manufacturers of meth use vehicles like cars, vans or even caravans to transport meth lab equipment or chemicals. Vehicles also provide meth smokers with a private space to smoke without being detected.

Testing the vehicle before you buy (especially a second hand vehicle) ensures you are getting only what you bargained for.
Call for more info!

FAQs: more information about methamphetamine testing

  • What is the difference between Amphetamine & Methamphetamine?

    The easiest way to explain this is as follows: 

    Both drugs are stimulants of the central nervous system. However, Amphetamine is chemically Phenylethylamine, while Methamphetamine is referred to as N-methylamphetamine. 

    These drugs are processed differently in the user’s body due to the chemical makeup being different.

  • What is Methamphetamine?

    There are different forms of Methamphetamine, generally distinguished by appearance and perceived purity. 

    The three main forms are: 

    • Crystalline (ice or crystal) 
    • Powder (speed)
    • Base

    Ice is about 80-95% pure. It usually looks like colourless/white crystals or a coarse crystal-like powder, but it can also appear in other colours. 

    Speed is typically around 10-20% pure. Usually comes in a white or yellow powder, but can also be bought as pills. 

    Base is literally the base form from which speed is manufactured. It is an oily, sticky paste with a bitter, astringent after taste. 

  • How does methamphetamine contaminate a surface?

    The two main ways that a building/property becomes contaminated is through smoking and the manufacturing of methamphetamine.

    When an individual smokes meth, the drug is heated causing vapours to be released. The excess vapour that is not inhaled by the smoker is then released on the floors, furnishings, walls, and duct system leaving a toxic residue of meth. 

    Surfaces that are contaminated by the manufacturing process of methamphetamine usually show a lot higher reading than surfaces with smoking residue. Manufacturing contamination arises from aerosol production, spillage & waste disposal.

    Chemicals such as Lithium metal, Liquid Ammonia, LPG, Acetone, Hydrochloric Acid and Caustic Soda that are commonly used in the cooking process can become air born and land on surfaces and inside porous materials.

    Contamination can also arise from solid forms of methamphetamine that have been spilled and worked into carpets, furniture and upholstery. 

  • How does meth contamination effect human health?

    The effect of living in a contaminated building can be wide-ranging. The symptoms can be similar to the seasonal impacts associated with allergies or colds and flu or more problematic. 

    The main point of difference you need to note is that symptoms will persist far longer than you would typically expect. Some people may experience none of these symptoms, while others may suffer from a large number of them. 

    Symptoms include:

    • Headaches
    • Watery or burning eyes
    • Nausea
    • Burning skin
    • Coughing or choking
    • Pain in diaphragm
    • Feeling cold or weak
    • Shortness of breath or dizziness
    • A decrease in cognitive function
    • Confusion
    • Vertigo
    • Convulsions
    • Sleep disorders
    • Stinging Eyes

    The chemical residue, left over from the manufacturing process, can seep into soft furnishings, carpets, timber floors and door frames, and even walls and ceilings. While you often can’t see the toxins, you may be made painfully aware of their presence through the above symptoms. Children, adults and pets living in contaminated dwellings have been known to suffer ill-effects of exposure. 

    Sadly children are most at risk due to their inquisitive nature naturally wanting to touch and taste and texture of different objects.

  • What are the Australian Guidelines?
    • Australian Guidelines for Meth Residue within a Residential Property is 0.5μg/100cm2
    • Australian Guidelines for Meth Residue within a Commercial/Industrial Property is 10μg/100cm2. 

    The Australian Government (in its Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation Guidelines – 2011) has set the Health Investigation Level at 0.5μm (micrograms) per 100cm2 for meth on residential surfaces. 

    Exceedance of this Investigation Level (IL) does not necessarily mean a risk exists but indicates the need for further investigation or action such as a NIOSH 9111 test. This guideline is set as a goal to receive a reading of below this national health investigation level (HIL) of 0.5ug/100cm2, the exceedance of this level is considered unacceptable. 

  • How can I tell if a home has meth contamination from smoking?

    When an individual smokes Meth, the drug very rarely releases a smell. If high levels of smoking contamination is within the home, you might smell odours such as ammonia-like smell similar to glass cleaner or cat urine. These smells can be easily masked with a fresh coat of paint, cleaning/removing of carpets or ventilation.

    This, however, will not remove the toxic residue that is embedded into the floors, furnishings, walls, and duct system. The vapours extracted from smoking meth will also leave no visual evidence. This is why it is so essential to get a property tested before you purchase or move into a new rental property. 

  • How can I tell if a home has meth contamination from cooking?
    • It is only the manufacturing process of Meth that will create a strong smell that may align with odours such as nail polish remover, varnish or paint thinner, cat urine, a “hospital” type smell, rotten eggs or burning plastic. These smells can be easily masked with a fresh coat of paint, cleaning/removing of carpets or ventilation. This, however, will not remove the toxic residue that is embedded into the floors, furnishings, walls, and duct system. 
    • Chemical staining on walls and floors can also be an indication of cooking. Yellow or red stains are likely to be a result of phosphorous or iodine spillage.  
    • Externally in the garden, you may notice burn pits, stained soil, or dead vegetation indicating dumped chemicals from a meth lab. 
    • You may also notice unusual venting or plumbing that has been installed within the property. 
  • Beside residential homes, where else is meth contamination being found?

    Meth can be manufactured with the “shake and Bake” method within 30 minutes with only a few manufacturing materials needed to complete the process. This means that a lab can be early transported and disposed of with very little evidence left behind. An individual who rents a hotel room, or car can smoke freely with no fear of being caught. 

    Meth contamination has also been found in: 

    • Industrial and commercial work environments
    • Used cars
    • Charter boats
    • Rental storage units
    • Rental vehicles, including cars, trucks, campers and vans
    • Hotels
    • Motel units
    • Holiday homes
  • I suspect my rental or personal home is contaminated, what test should I do first?

    Depending on your situation we will start with a rapid test at either 0.2μg or 0.5μg. This test will identify if meth is present within the property. 

    We will mostly start testing at  0.5μg as this is the Australian guideline level. This Rapid test will give a positive or negative result to methamphetamine residue over 0.5μg or over 0.2μg. We will complete this test to the number of rooms you request. 

    If a single room (or multiple rooms) show positive to methamphetamine residue over 0.5μg, we then suggest that you test those rooms with the NIOSH 9111 test. This test is a laboratory test that will show the exact contamination level. 

    At each step of the testing process, we will explain the results and what the next step is. 

  • What is the decontamination process?

    Please note:  Stewarts Drug Testing does not carry out decontamination services. We do this to remain impartial so that once the building has been decontaminated, we are then able to finish the testing process and retest to make sure the decontamination successfully decreased the level to under the Australian Guidelines.

    Decontamination can range from a simple sugar soap wash down to demolishing of a building. The level of contamination will determine what process of decontamination needs to be carried out. 

    To simplify the process, the Australian Guidelines have listed out three categories including Clean Up/Wash Up, Stripping/Encapsulation & Demolition.

    Clean Up/wash Up

    • Ventilation
    • Detergent washing surfaces followed by rinsing with water
    • Vacuuming surfaces with high efficiency particulate air vacuums
    • Steam cleaning/ high pressure cleaning
    • Neutralization of surfaces with weak acids/ bases
    • Flushing pipes with water


    • Removal of all structure contents, including appliances, furnishings, floor coverings, curtains, blinds, panelling, drywall and wallpapers
    • Cleaning and vacuuming
    • Sealing of surfaces with paints or other materials
    • Disposal of contents/stripped materials; and 
    • Flushing pipes with water


    • Removal of all structure contents
    • Demolition of structure
    • Disposal of structure/contents

  • Is it expensive to decontaminate a property?

    If a property is found to be contaminated, it can involve removing interior treatments including plasterboard ceiling and wall linings, carpets, curtains, electrical cabling, range hoods, air-conditioning units and insulation which can range from $5,000 - $50,000. In saying this, it depends on the level of contamination. Most of the time decontamination will involve sugar soap, fresh paint and the removal of curtains etc.

  • What is Rapid Testing (0.2μg and 0.5μg)?

    A Rapid Test is similar to a pregnancy test. It will give us a positive or negative result, but will not give us an exact reading on the level of contamination.

    If we test using a 0.2μg Rapid Test, we will receive either a positive result of methamphetamine residue over 0.2μg or a negative result of methamphetamine residue under 0.2μg. The same principle applies to the 0.5μg test.

    The test is done by one of our trained technicians who swab a rough area of 100cm2. As we swab the area, we place the swab back into a buffer liquid picking up any residue. Once we have swabbed a suitable amount of surface area, we then dip the buffer liquid into a cassette that will give us a positive or negative reading to methamphetamine residue of or over 0.2ug or 0.5ug. (An exact contamination level is obtained through doing the NIOSH 9111 test.) 

  • What is NIOSH 9111/Lab Testing?

    The NIOSH 911 test will give us an exact reading of the level of contamination within a building. We complete this test if a known lab has been in used in a property or if we have received a positive result with the Rapid Test 0.5μg. 

    We complete NIOSH 9111 process by swabbing a 100cm2 area in a number of rooms. Each room receives its own swab and lab vial. These swabs are then sent off to the Lab where they are analysed individually. 

    We will then receive a report back from the lab with the exact level of contamination in each room as well as precursors. 

  • Why We DO NOT Offer Field Lab Composite Testing.

    When a Field Composite Test is carried out, the technician takes multiple samples throughout the whole building. The swab samples are then sent off to the lab where you will receive one result from numerous samples. While in a NIOSH 9111 test you will receive individual results from each sample swab. 

    We do not agree with this method of Composite testing because it is inaccurate and causes the customer to spend more money than necessary. If a positive result is shown on a Field Lab Composite Test, you are unable to trace if the contamination is from all rooms tested or if it’s from a single room. 

    The other problem with this method is that contamination levels can come back extremely inaccurate. When multiple swabs are combined to create single contamination report, the results will come back extremely high. For example, if you test 5 rooms that all range around the 0.3ug contamination level (under the Australian Guidelines) and combined them to create one contamination level result – It is going to show results over the 0.5ug Guidelines when in reality not one of the rooms are over the 0.5ug level.

  • Do Stewarts offer Payment Plans?

    YES! Installments can be made quickly and efficiently with the assistance of our accounts manager.

  • I’m a Real Estate agent, can I get discounted prices?

    Yes. We offer all Real Estate Agents discounted prices on all testing.

  • Why is it essential to get rental properties tested?

    Property managers and owners leasing out property have a legal responsibility to make sure the tenant is living in a safe and healthy environment. 

    On top of this, a tenant is considered to be causing malicious damage when smoking or manufacturing Meth causing contamination to the building. 

    This is why we recommend a 0.2ug rapid test when a tenet is vacating a property. This ensures that the property remains contamination free. 

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