Australian Code of Practice

Australian Code of Practice
NATA Approved Lab
I’m sure many of you have seen the headlines exposing the high presence of meth within our community. Western Australia specifically ranking above the national average with rates at 1.4% nationally and 2.7% in Western Australia in the same year. While funding from the government to crack down on the drug with the Western Australian Methamphetamine Action Plan will help, tens of thousands of homes have already been contaminated with many more at significant risk due to rising meth use and manufacture. The most shocking statistic though? It has been recorded that young children living in a meth-contaminated home have the equivalent level of meth in their system an adult meth user.
Both manufacturing and smoking meth leaves a toxic chemical residue that stains and impregnates walls, floors, ceilings and carpets. When meth is manufactured, contaminants can include mercury, lead, iodine, lithium and poisonous solvents. Your body and young children’s bodies can take in this toxic residue in day to day life through touching and breathing. Sadly children are more susceptible to health risks due to their inquisitive nature. Exposure to meth residue can damage the nervous system, liver and blood production mechanisms, symptoms including headaches, irritated skin, and insomnia.
The authorities are working hard. The government has put in action a Methamphetamine Action Plan for WA that was established in June 2017. This act will inject roughly $30 million into rehabilitation centres and continue to employ community treatment employees. This $30 million has been allocated for 2018-19 to 2021-22. While police are working hard, they can't keep up. Research suggests that for each property they seize that has a clandestine meth lab, there are 10 more they won't find. Australia wide the police uncover just 700 meth labs a year.
The manufacturing of meth was revolutionised around the late ’90s with the introduction of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine into common cold and flu medicine. Hand in hand with the common cold medicine, most ingredients and materials can be purchased from your local hardware store. The highly addictive drug, being able to be whipped up in less than 30 minutes using the “shake n bake” or “one pot” method.
Ingredients for the “shake n bake” or “one pot” method include:
10 homes yearly are having to be demolished from extreme levels of meth contamination. While the health risks are concerning the final burden being placed on new home buyers and landlords are tremendous. With decontamination of a meth lab starting from around $5,000 quickly reaching $150,000 for a large home. The nail in the coffin is the fact that most insurance companies do not cover decontamination costs from meth residue.
While not every
property in Australia is contaminated with meth residue, it is essential to
protect your health and your wallet.
Copyright © 2019 Monique Stewart.
Managing Meth Contamination - Stewarts Drug Testing Blog
This blog aims to inform the West Australian public on methamphetamine contamination and its effect. We intend on answering questions that property managers, landlords, first home buyers and homeowners need answering. Here we also look into current statistics on meth use, how meth is affecting our community and the way the problem is currently being managed. Blog writer by Monique Stewart (one of Stewarts Drug Testings meth testing technicians) will give you an insight into the world of meth contamination, and the effects of the drugs contamination on not only our community but our investments and health.
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